Sunday, February 5, 2012

good evening class

tonight we are going to talk about profile pictures
you may not think your profile picture is very important but if you think that you are wrong
here are a few easy pointers to help you have a hipper profile picture

Step 1. make your self 'hot'
I don't care if you are spending the day at home with your cat (liking cats a lot is hip) you still have to being looking your best for the photo so to all da bitchez owt dere apply your make up

handy tip! red lipstick will make people think that you're cool

Step 2. practice your pout
if you're not pouting then nobody will think you're cool
handy tip! if you say that you're pouting 'ironically' (write that word down kids we'll be using it a lot) you will appeal to a brand new hip group! even you can have two different sets of hip friends!

Step 3. photoboth effects
now put that pout into action! if you have photoboth make sure to use a super hip effect like mirror (see below) because it will make people think you're creative which is very hip
handy tip! doing some sort of gesture with your hand will make people think you're edgy and cool

Step 4. editing your photo
editing a hip photo can be very easy or very difficult but we are going to go for the more simple option because I don't have all night (implying that you have a busy schedule is super hip because people will think you have lots of friends that want to hang out with you) so change the coloring and exposure

hand tip! black and white is cool because people will think you are soooo film noir

Step 5. caption
there are a few ways you can go with this first there is the 'omg so I don't even know why I uploaded this I look so bad today!' which is good if you want to get a few complements 
you could also post song lyrics as your caption but make sure to pick a hip band and don't use lyrics from one of their more 'mainstream' songs
OR you could always take the piss out of less hip people by saying something like 'omq im lyk s0 hawt ryt u no u want m3' saying this will let people know that you are hipper and therefore better than people that type like that

now that your profile picture is hip people will want to be your friend (fact)